Our Knowledge Management Concept -
Identifying Existing Knowledge, Making it Accessible, and Using it to Advantage

The importance of Knowledge Management is currently underlined by factors such as knowledge explosion, increasing competition, a shorter "time-to-market" and knowledge-intensive products.
The implied transition from an information society to a knowledge society leads the companies to a stronger focus on knowledge as a resource. In the given competitive and dynamic environment, knowledge becomes an increasingly important issue as key factor to production and competition.

Our Competence:
pwb supports companies in getting a more systematic understanding of their knowledge management as a corporate resource. We successfully develop and implement knowledge management tools in order to achieve the relevant knowledge, make the existing knowledge accessible, distribute and effectively use it and translate it into competitive advantages. Our approach primarily aims at making explicit and tacit knowledge available to the entire organisation.
Your Benefit:
Systematic knowledge management enables you to identify relevant knowledge in your company, knowledge that exists in all divisions and on all levels. Then you can employ suitable strategies and measures to further develop, distribute and use it for the benefit of your company.
This means:
- A goal-oriented transfer of individual experience and skills
- Generalisation of best practices and their corporate implementation
- Overview of, access to and consistent use of know-how and competencies within the company
"pwb helped us understand what a manifold and rich know-how we hold in our company. By systematic questioning, transparent identification of the various resources, and by starting a corporate communication and exchange process, the pwb consultants made us get a deeper awareness of our own resources and how to access them more consistently."