Our Mentoring Programme -
Developing Leadership Talent in the Company, Fostering Innovation, Passing on Knowledge and Experience

Management development is a decisive factor for success. Managers have to make competent decisions in the interest of their company, identify potential and think and act strategically. The organisation has to transfer their knowledge and know-how purposefully in order to remain stable and up to the future challenges.
Accordingly, we attach great importance to dialogic processes within our mentoring programmes which go far beyond a cross-generational knowledge transfer and facilitate individual development in the context of corporate goals. A successful mentoring process has to be aligned with the company's strategy, structure and culture and be measured right there.

Our Competence:
- Together with the customer, we identify challenges and the critical success factors for the executives of the organisation.
- The mentoring programme is developed and tailored in accordance with the corporate strategy, structure and culture.
- Process tutors from within the company are integrated into the process and trained accordingly. Participants, mentors and mentees are selected.
- In a kickoff meeting, the mentees are prepared for the mentoring and the mentors are trained. Targets for the joint process are defined and first steps are agreed upon.
- In most cases, two further "pitstop meetings" take place at intervals of eight months maximum for all participants. pwb moderate the reflections, support readjustment processes and ensure that the pressure of the job's day-to-day challenges will not dilute the mentoring process.
- A subsequent evaluation assesses the effects of the mentoring programme on the company's structure, strategy and culture and is then integrated into the next mentoring processes.
Your Benefit:
As a dialogic development instrument, Mentoring intensifies networking inside the company. Experience-based knowledge is transferred across departmental boundaries and made available for further application fields. Mentoring is applied knowledge management, target-oriented executive development and pro-active organisational learning.
Exemplary Participant Statement:
"pwb have provided us with decisive impulses for performance improvements. We now develop our processes with a sharper target orientation, develop our employees in the very best sense of the word, use our knowledge and know-how and continuously strengthen our focus on strategic thinking and acting!"
More information on www.successful-mentoring.com